Another David – BW$P
Meet David.
I met up with Rick to kick off my 52 Week Project for 2009: My Surrounding Neighborhoods in North Beach. While Rick and I were getting acquainted, David approached us asking for change. I explained to him about my dollar portrait project and he was happy to pose, with the a dollar in hand.
After I took his picture, he asked, as I was handing him his $1, if I had $5. I explained to him that the project was specifically for $1 portraits. He agreed and accepted my $1.
I learned that David was born in San Francisco. When I asked if he had always been living in San Francisco, he explained that he had “traveled all over, including Australia and Canada but never made it to Europe.” He continued to mumble about a few other things, but I had a hard time making out what he said. After a minute or so, he stopped talking, turned around and walked the other direction.
This image is part of my Black and White Dollar Portrait (BW$P) Project.