The Seat of Time
Description: It’s been awhile again, and I do apologize. I really don’t have a good excuse right now other than being a bit lazy. I have been busy, but in general, I have been trying to manage my priorities a bit better. To try and kick start myself into posting again, I picked another random photo from my Flickr photostream.
This particular image was captured on a beautiful evening near the beginning of the year during a sponsored photowalk. The leading lines presented by the railings, chairs, and the bridge were hard to miss and made a perfect setup for this photo.
Location: Pier 14, Embarcadero, San Francisco
Date Taken: February 2, 2009
Camera: Canon 5D
Exposure: 1/6 second
Aperture: f/1.4
Focal Length: 50 mm
ISO: 800