James Nachtwey’s Wish to Change the World
I’m not sure how I have missed TED all of these years. Taken directly from their about page, “The TED Prize is designed to leverage the TED community’s exceptional array of talent and resources. It is awarded annually to three exceptional individuals who each receive $100,000 and, much more important, the granting of ‘One Wish to Change the World.’ After several months of preparation, they unveil their wish at an award ceremony held during the TED Conference. These wishes have led to collaborative initiatives with far-reaching impact…TED stands for Technology, Entertainment, Design. It started out (in 1984) as a conference bringing together people from those three worlds. Since then its scope has become ever broader.”
I recently read that James Nachtwey, “considered by many to be the greatest war photographer of recent decades,” won the 2007 TED Prize. His wish, “I’m working on a story that the world needs to know about. I wish for you to help me break it in a way that provides spectacular proof of the power of news photography in the digital age.”
As far as I can tell, no one knows what the story is, but in two short days, the world will find out.
Till next time…