Dandy Day

Dandy Day by Justin Korn

Description:  This photograph was created the same day I created A Day With My Kite.  One of the most amazing things about the Golden Gate Bridge, is that no matter where it stands in a picture, it always makes an impression.

Over the past year (a little less) I’ve become a huge fan of being part of an online photography community.  You really get to see what people outside of your friends and family value in your work and how another photographer might improve upon it as well.  When I was done processing this image and finally uploaded it, I was certainly satisfied with the outcome.  I didn’t think it was the best picture ever, but I did like it and even added it to my favorites set on Flickr.  Within a few days of uploading the image, I received a comment from artoudeetou that made me rethink how I could take this picture.  Not that I’ve lost interest in this particular picture (after all, I’m still sharing it with you), but it made me realize how I could alter the image to give an entirely new meaning to the final results.

For me personally, I don’t tend to use props in my pictures.  I try to capture the things around me the way they are and in the moment.  However, what I took away from this suggestion was, you should never forget the options you have at your disposal.

Location: Crissy Field, Presidio, San Francisco
Date Taken: February 7, 2009
Camera: Canon 5D
Exposure: 1/160 second
Aperture: f/14
Focal Length: 50mm
ISO: 400

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