Prints for Sale (Coming Soon)
I’ve been a bit busy lately planning and figuring out how I am going to offer prints to those that are interested in buying them. I am enjoying the pictures on my walls, so why shouldn’t I allow my fans to enjoy them as well, right?
After reading and rereading Brian Auer’s Series on Making Fine Prints, I think I have finally figured out how I want to manage and offer prints. The first step is going to be for me to personally order and review each print I want to sell. That means, every print I sell will also be hanging in my house. I already have a handful of my prints hanging on my walls, but most of them are from the film days and I don’t feel like dealing with the negatives at this time. In light of this, I have placed my first order for 4 prints:
I have not 100% committed to this yet, but I will most likely be offering Limited Signed Prints at larger print sizes (over 8×12) as well as Unsigned Prints at smaller sizes (8×12 and smaller). This will vary from photo to photo as will the number I limit the signed prints to.
I’m very excited about putting this all together, so hopefully a post will be coming soon with final details. As always, if you are interested in being notified when these images are available for purchase, subscribe to the feed or contact me directly. And, if you leave a comment below with what photograph(s) of mine you’d like to see available in the near future, I can almost guarantee they will make it into my print collection and you might even receive a special promotion on that print.
Till next time…