A Promotion and WordPress Upgrade
Just a few quick changes I’d like you, my readers, to be aware of.
First off, in my professional life, last week I was given an extremely shocking and quick promotion to Technology Manager. My new responsibilities were placed on me immediately and my work load has been a bit overwhelming due to all the changes. My emotions are very mixed right now about the promotion, but I am trying to make the best of it and take the challenge head on.
Due to these changes, I’m sure my activity online will drop dramatically, at least for the next few weeks. As a result, I will also have less time then I expected to focus on growing a photography business, but do plan on putting some time and effort into it. I am hoping to keep up with extra curricular photography as well as posting to this blog as regularly as I was in 2008, but I can’t make any promises at this point.
On that note, I took the plunge this evening and upgraded to WordPress 2.7. Everything seems to have gone as smoothly as possible (thanks to the awesome WordPress Automatic Upgrade Plugin). At first glance, I really like the new layout of the administrative tools and just hope no gliches pop up randomly in the next few days. If you notice anything not working properly, please take a second to contact me or let me know in the comments.
I appreciate your continued support!
Till next time…