– They Love To Print

Moo CardsBack in October, during a photo walk in Sacramento, Thomas Hawk handed out new business cards to his fellow friends and photogs and I remember thinking to myself, “Wow, these look and feel awesome!”  I asked Thomas where he ordered them from and his answer was  He was totally jazzed about them, mostly because is able to hook up into your Flickr account and place the images from your Flickr stream on the back of the cards.

Well, I finally took the plunge and decided to order new business cards 2 weeks ago.  My previous business cards (sorry no picture) treated me very well, but it was time to give something new a try.  From my previous design, I wanted to continue having individual pictures on the back of each card, giving each card it’s own uniqueness.  Remembering Thomas Hawk’s cards, I headed over to  I began organizing my pictures on Flickr and figuring out which ones I wanted to use, and after about a week of back and forth, finally placed my order for 200 cards.  (On a side note, I custom designed the details side of the card using the provided format guide.  If you don’t use this template, your options are VERY limited for designing the details side of your business cards.)

$84 (including shipping) and  7 days later, I had my new cards in hand and started passing them out immediately.  They are absolutely beautiful and feel great.  After a week of passing them out, I’ve received nothing but similar positive comments.

The only thing I wish would offer is the ability to create a user account and save your order BEFORE placing it.  I must have built my full order 15 – 20 times before I finally placed it.   I might be a bit of a perfectionist and over the top, but none-the-less, this is a key missing feature.  Other than that, thumbs up all around.  I strongly recommend anyone who wants their own art and designs on their business cards, postcards, etc. to check out

Till next time…

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