Would You Believe? [Photo]
Description: Believe it or not, I only took one exposure of this shot. When I saw the scene, I was intrigued, however, I couldn’t really get the angle I was looking for (so I thought). All the cars in the road were in the frame every which way I turned the camera and for some reason I really did not want them in this shot. So, I framed it the best I could, took one shot and moved on. Long behold, while I was processing this batch, I cropped the little bit of the road I did capture and darkened up the picture a bit to bring out the clouds and silhouette the light post.
Location: The Bay Bridge – South Beach, San Francisco
Date Taken: August 18, 2008
Camera: Canon 20D
Exposure: 1/500 second
Aperture: f/6.3
Focal Length: 55mm
ISO: 100