The FriendFeed Community at Work
I am absolutely blown away right now by the FriendFeed community!
I started this blog on July 11, 2 weeks ago today, because J. Phil from [scribkin] encouraged me to do so when I suggested my use of FriendFeed as an RSS Reader/Organizer on FriendFeed. Well, since I set up the blog, I had been struggling to get the FriendFeed plugin to work. I finally went to Google and found a plea for help on how to set up the same plugin on Chris Brogan’s blog. I read through the comments, but was unable to find my cure.
So, I turned to FriendFeed and Hao Chen came to the rescue. We chatted for about 2 hours on GTalk trying to debug my stubborn plugin together. Finally, Hao came to the simple conclusion that cURL was disabled in my php.ini file! I knew it was something simple, but I would never have figured it out without a second pair of eyes.
Anywho, my point is, and I have said this many times before, FriendFeed is what you make of it and EVERYONE has the opportunity to make SOMETHING of it. If you have a similar story, I would love to here. Please let me know in the comments.
Here are a handful of FriendFeeders that have made made a difference to me personally (whether they know it or not) and I think everyone should follow: Hao Chen, J. Phil, Louis Gray, Thomas Hawk
Hao has also written a few GreaseMonkey scripts for FriendFeed. If you use FireFox, I strongly encourage you to check them out!
Thank you FriendFeed!
Till next time…