FriendFeed Pushes to Twitter – How Noisey Will You Be?

FriendFeed announced today that you can now share your FriendFeed activity on Twitter.  If you use Twitter and follow anyone that is also on FrienFeed, you are going to see a whole lot more noise coming your way.  If you are on FrienFeed and thinking about utilizing this feature, please, for everyone else’s sanity, please […]

Categorized: The Social Web

Social Network Overload!

I know I’m not the only one feeling the pain of social network overload.  In the past month I have signed up with over 5 different social networks.  If you don’t posses the Louis Gray Super Kickass Social Network Following Power, you are probably wondering when the craziness will stop, slow down, or at the […]

Categorized: The Social Web