6:52 – My Surrounding Neighborhoods
Week: 6/52
Neighborhood: Financial District
Image Title: Sign of Our Times
Again, I’m struggling to get out and take pictures due to long hours at work. I’m thinking about changing the project up a bit where I won’t restrict myself to the same neighborhood 4 weeks straight, however, at this point, I’m sticking with the plan and trying to power through.
This picture was inspired by the struggling times we are going through. Shops are closing all over the place and friends are being laid off. Businesses that are able to make the necessary adjustments will survive and I hope we see improvements soon. If you have been effected in anyway by the economic slump, I wish you the best and hope you can find the positive in these situations.
You can follow everyone’s progress at the Photography Collaboration Project Group or with a search for the tag PCP:MNYN on Flickr.
This photo is part of my 2009 52 Week Project: My Surrounding Neighborhoods.