The Legacy of Watergate
Description: This photograph is actually hanging on one of my walls in my apartment. I made this image a few years ago while walking around Chinatown. I remember thinking to myself when I saw this person standing over this poster that the poster must have some meaning behind it (though I didn’t know much about it at the time). More so, I like the unanimity of this picture. The viewer doesn’t know the story behind it and is therefore forced to analyze it on their own. When people ask about the person standing on top of this poster, I just respond, “the story is yours to imagine.”
For more information on this poster, read up on Bob Woodward and Shadow: Five Presidents and the Legacy of Watergate.
Location: Chinatown, San Francisco
Date Taken: February 5, 2005
Camera: Canon 20D
Exposure: 1/640 second
Aperture: f/4
Focal Length: 100mm
ISO: 1600