Archive for July, 2008

FriendFeed as an RSS Reader/Organizer

A thread posted by David Silvernail on FriendFeed encouraged me to chime in and let everyone know that my current favorite RSS reader is FriendFeed. Why? If you have ever used AllTop to get your news, you know it is a great one stop shop to see what is happening around the web on any […]

Almost Hit by a Car

Well, this wasn’t the way I expected to start this blog, but you go with what you got, right? Yesterday, I was waiting for the bus to get to work. While standing on the corner, I noticed a car slowing down after going through the intersection. I briefly thought the driver had no idea where […]

Categorized: Me and My Life

In the beginning…

Everyone involved with the interwebs needs to start a blog someday and today was my day (well, kind of – I’ve tried a few of the other blogging platforms and wasn’t thrilled). I recently became addicted (yes, addicted) to FriendFeed (you can find me here). I recently chimed in on a thread with an idea […]

Categorized: Blog News & Alerts