Errors with FeebBurner’s MyBrand

If you have your own custom URL for your feeds, called MyBrand in FeedBurner, you may come across the same error I did when transferring your FeedBurner account over to Google.  If you haven’t done it yet, you are going to officially need to transfer your FeebBurner feeds over to Google by February 28th. I […]

Categorized: How Tos & Know Hows

Yes You Can with Google Alerts

A few weeks ago I complained about Google Alerts being too elementary and not up to par with what companies need to stay on top of their branding game.  Apparently I did not dig deep enough into the power of what these alerts can do. With a little nudge from Rasheen, I found answers to […]

Categorized: How Tos & Know Hows

FriendFeed’s Participation Rate

4 months ago, I set out to try and determine how many of my followers on FriendFeed were lurking and how many were participating.  At that time, FriendFeed was still very small and I only had 100 or so followers. During my analysis, it seemed that about 1/3 of those following me participated. Well, FriendFeed […]

Categorized: The Social Web

Brand Management with Google Alerts

After reading Louis Gray’s post this evening on brand reputation managment, it made me wonder for the billionth time, why are Google Alerts so elementary?  For a company that specializes in search, I’d expect, at the very least, the following options be made available: Exclude domains from your alerts. is one of the domains […]

Categorized: How Tos & Know Hows

Photrade is Hanging in There

I’m a little late on this, but since I wrote about Photrade a few weeks ago, I thought I would follow up. Back on October 23, Photrade experienced some “growing pains” at which time they had a database go down on them.  They were able to get the site back up and running relatively quickly, […]

FriendFeed Pushes to Twitter – How Noisey Will You Be?

FriendFeed announced today that you can now share your FriendFeed activity on Twitter.  If you use Twitter and follow anyone that is also on FrienFeed, you are going to see a whole lot more noise coming your way.  If you are on FrienFeed and thinking about utilizing this feature, please, for everyone else’s sanity, please […]

Categorized: The Social Web – Where is the Customer Support?

As I announced yesterday, I entered a photo contest being put on by DPS and hosted by Photrade.  Late last night, my mother tried to put in a vote for my image, but instead ended up on the Photrade home page.  She IMed me asking how she could vote for my image.  I was a […]

FriendFeed Goes on Steroids (aka Real-Time)

I can hear a million keyboards typing away  writing a similar post as I am writing now. Regardless, I still wanted to share my first impressions of FriendFeed in Real-Time. For those that have not checked out FriendFeed yet, you really should.  I have written a few post about it already and, as they continue […]

Categorized: The Social Web

The Blogosphere is Mini-Hollywood…NOT!

I’ve seen a couple post recently on Louis Gray’s blog referring to the blogosphere as mini-Hollywood (both written by contributing authors) or, as in the most recent post, “Valleywood.” Now seriously, does anyone really care? Is anyone paying attention? I’m going to have to say no, except for those inside the blogosphere. The majority of […]

Categorized: The Social Web

Is Selling Content the Future of the Blogosphere?

I just read a post Chris Brogan wrote titled “Selling Blog Content the Clean Way” in response to the way GigaOm Briefings is being run.  At the end of the article, Chris states, “How hard is it to make a post, and then make a LOT MORE for someone to buy and continue the experience? […]

Categorized: The Social Web

Social Network Overload!

I know I’m not the only one feeling the pain of social network overload.  In the past month I have signed up with over 5 different social networks.  If you don’t posses the Louis Gray Super Kickass Social Network Following Power, you are probably wondering when the craziness will stop, slow down, or at the […]

Categorized: The Social Web

Calgoo – Sync your iPhone with your Google Calendar(s)

[UPDATE:] You can now sync your iPhone with Google over the air! I will flat out tell you right now, I didn’t get this to work “over air,” but none-the-less, I am finally able to sync my iPhone with my Google Calendars (yes, calendars is plural!). The Issue All of my calendars are stored on […]

Categorized: How Tos & Know Hows