Spin that Category Round and Round

After keeping up this blog for a few months now, I am finally getting a grasp around how to properly categorize and tag.  So, I reorganized Korn on the Blog’s categories.  I hope this change better suits the blog, my readers and myself.  For those curious types, I’ve listed out the previous structure and the […]

Categorized: Blog News & Alerts

The New Justin Korn [dot] com

If you are a Google Reader junkie (or any other RSS junkie), you should take a second to visit the site.  I’ve revamped it, added a few pages and features, and overall I’m hoping I made a better experience for you, my subscribers and readers. Here is a run down of the things that have […]

Categorized: Blog News & Alerts

Changes on the Way

Loyal readers and subscribers, I am currently working on redesigning my website justinkorn.com, including this blog.  The intention behind the redesign is to integrate my photography services more fluidly.  I will also be providing separate RSS subscription options to make it easier to subscribe to the various main topics on my blog.  I’ve been working […]

Categorized: Blog News & Alerts

Calling Readers, Subcribers and Everyone Else

I am in the process of planning a migration of justinkorn.com from being hosted in my closet to GoDaddy.  In this process, I will upgrade to WordPress 2.6, deploy a new theme and reorganize a few things in general.  I am still in the planning stages, so if you have any advice, suggestions, or tips […]

Categorized: Blog News & Alerts

All Quiet On The Western Front…

Hello Internet land!  I want to apologize for my quietness lately and assure you I have not disappeared.  I have been thinking about you day and night and don’t want you to think I have neglected you. As of late, I have pushed almost all of my energy toward other projects (including work) over the […]

What can I say? My blog was “Louis Grayed!”

Seriously, I don’t even know what to say/write.  I’m in shock!  I was never good at writing or expressing my thoughts in words (hence the addiction to photography), but, here I am getting “Louis Grayed.” Say what?  Franklin Pettit wrote a great explanation of what being “Louis Grayed” is all about. I am honored and […]

Categorized: Blog News & Alerts

In the beginning…

Everyone involved with the interwebs needs to start a blog someday and today was my day (well, kind of – I’ve tried a few of the other blogging platforms and wasn’t thrilled). I recently became addicted (yes, addicted) to FriendFeed (you can find me here). I recently chimed in on a thread with an idea […]

Categorized: Blog News & Alerts