Author Archive

Errors with FeebBurner’s MyBrand

If you have your own custom URL for your feeds, called MyBrand in FeedBurner, you may come across the same error I did when transferring your FeedBurner account over to Google.  If you haven’t done it yet, you are going to officially need to transfer your FeebBurner feeds over to Google by February 28th. I […]

Categorized: How Tos & Know Hows

Photographer in Action II

Description: I took this picture mid last year, but stumbled upon it in my Flickr stream today and thought I would share it. This photograph was taken while waiting in line at the Legion of Honor to see the Annie Leibovitz – A Photographer’s Life exhibit.  I can not remember exactly what the photographer in […]

Categorized: Photo Share

Golden Boy Pizza

Description: Over the past several months, I have grown an interest in neon signs.  I think a big contributing factor is due to hanging out and taking photos with Thomas Hawk and Jeremy Brooks, both of which are huge neon sign fans.  These signs are extremely fun to take pictures of and there are some […]

Categorized: Photo Share

25 Things About Justin Korn That Not Even Justin Korn Knows

There have been a flurry of “25 Things you may or may not know about me” post and threads circulating lately on FriendFeed.  I am not sure where it all started, but the first one I read was by Mona.  Though I was hesitant to join in by publishing this list for the world to […]

Categorized: Me and My Life

Won’t Let You Down

Description: I’m not sure what it is about these buildings together, but every time I walk by this corner, I want to take a picture. Every time, without fail. Matter of fact, the first picture I shared on this blog was Tall & Proud and I have a feeling, this might not be the last. […]

Categorized: Photo Share

93 Photographers From Around The World Share Their Best From 2008

A few days ago, Jim Goldstein shared with the world what other photographers around the world were sharing with him…their top photos of 2008.  Jim’s project was to gather links of his reader’s “Best of 2008” photos and an outstanding 93 of them responded (including yours truly).  The most impressive aspect of the project I […]

Categorized: Photography

2:52 – My Surrounding Neighborhoods

Week: 2/52 – Neighborhood: North Beach – Title: Caffe Triste I did not get much time out with the camera this week. To be accurate, I only got out one evening and even then, I was only out for about an hour, so I tried to make the most of it. You can follow everyone’s […]

Categorized: Projects

Danny – BW$P

Meet Danny. While out shooting in North Beach for My Surrounding Neighborhoods project, I came across a very kind man playing the harmonica (didn’t catch his name) asking for change at the corner of Columbus and Green.  As I walked by, we made eye contact and he stopped playing in order to chat with me.  […]

Categorized: Projects

Robot Lovers

Description: While I was out taking photos for my Surrounding Neighborhoods project in North Beach, I walked a common route along Columbus St. and passed Z. Cioccolato.  What I really enjoy about this store, and haven’t spent time capturing it with my camera before, is that they change their window display regularly.  This particular evening, […]

Categorized: Photo Share

A Promotion and WordPress Upgrade

Just a few quick changes I’d like you, my readers, to be aware of. First off, in my professional life, last week I was given an extremely shocking and quick promotion to Technology Manager.  My new responsibilities were placed on me immediately and my work load has been a bit overwhelming due to all the […]

1:52 – My Surrounding Neighborhoods

Week: 1/52 – Neighborhood: North Beach – Title: Another Night, Another Meal I met up with Ricky Montalvo to kick off my 2009 52 Week Project: My Surrounding Neighborhoods.  We walked up and down Columbus and all around the Broadway/Columbus area.  It was a great first outing and I’m really looking forward to the next […]

Categorized: Projects

Another David – BW$P

Meet David. I met up with Rick to kick off my 52 Week Project for 2009: My Surrounding Neighborhoods in North Beach. While Rick and I were getting acquainted, David approached us asking for change.  I explained to him about my dollar portrait project and he was happy to pose, with the a dollar in […]

Categorized: Projects